Candida Test

Nutrition and Vitality and our sister company provide at home Candida Tests  all over the UK and abroad as well as helping patients with the treatment of Candida. If you would like to order a Candida stool or Candida blood test or book a Candida consultation, please call us on 0345 1297996 or e-mail us.

What are the most reliable tests for Candida?

There are several tests that can be conducted to test for Candida. These include stool, urine and blood tests. You can also contact us by phone, or email.

Please find a review of each of these below.

Candida yeast test via Stool


Stool tests are our most popular tests as in addition to candida and yeast they are able to look at other pathogens.

These tests can be offered as stand-alone tests or can be used for patients who also wish to look at pathogens such as bad bacteria, viruses, salmonella, shigella and parasites

In many cases stool tests can reveal your specific strain of yeast as well as the most effective anti-fungals to take to treat the yeast iovergrowth.

If yeast is cultured your report will include a sensitivity panel that shows which natural or pharmaceutical agents are effective against any strains that are detected.

They are conducted after submitting two or three stool samples on separate days. The stool test is also able to reveal levels of friendly gut flora.

In some cases you may find that yeast is not viable via stool and you may wish to conduct a urine test.



Candida Urine tests- Organic Acid Urine test

The urine test is very sensitive and looks at a marker called Arabinose.

This test is conducted by using your first urine sample of the day. The test is very easy to conduct. The candida urine test will indicate the severity of the fungal infection however it is unable to detect your specific strain of yeast or anti-fungals needed to eradicate the overgrowth. We often recommend this test if:

  1. We suspect you have candida but your stool test was negative for yeast- this may be due to yeast not being viable
  2. You are unable to perform the stool samples due to constipation



Candida Blood Tests

A candida antibody test can detect  a current or previous fungal infection by testing for three different candida antibodies in your blood. The antibody test will measure IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies to candida in your blood.


These candida antibody  tests can also be conducted as part of our food intolerance test panel and will look at IgG antibodies. This test is useful if you also wish to screen or food intolerances. The test also looks at 93 foods.


We recommend candida antibody tests are conducted in conjunction with stool tests or urine tests and not as stand-alone tests.



What are the symptoms and conditions associated with Candida and Yeast Overgrowth?

An overgrowth of yeast  may cause toxic by-products  to cause a number of unpleasant symptoms.

The main symptoms of Candida include:


Digestive problems including:





Brain fog

Difficulty Concentrating


Sugar Cravings

Cravings for Bread

Vaginal Thrush/ Cystitis

Recurrent Vaginitis

Skin issues, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Atopic Dermatits

Athletes food

Fungal toe-nails

Bladder issues

Sinus problems

Post nasal drip

Low Sex Drive



What causes Candida to Overgrow?


High Sugar Diet

High Yeast diet, Marmite. Soya Sauce

High Starch Diet


Contraceptive pill

Low immune system

Chronic stress


We all have Candida Albicans,  and in small amounts,  it is perfectly normal. However, Candida may grow and proliferate and cause a variety of digestive problems.

One of the main causes are antibiotics.  Antibiotics can have an appalling effect on the gut killing off multiple strains of friendly gut flora.

Many patients who have had multiple courses of antibiotics  (for acne or tonsillitis or cystitis) may find that this repeated use of antibiotics will cause Candida to grow and proliferate.

If you are also consuming a diet high in sugar or eating foods that contain yeast such as bread or Marmite or  drinking alcohol such as beer or wine, it may also proliferate.

What is Candida?

Candidiasis is a type of yeast or fungal infection. In fact there are over 20 species of types of species of Candida and we can test for all of these.
The reason why we always hear of Candida Albicans is because this is by far the most common type.

Candida is treated with anti-fungals as well as dietary changes. Most diets aim to remove sugar, cakes, biscuits and yeast found in bread and marmite and stock cubes. Alcohol, particularly, beer, lager or wine must also be removed.
How can I book a consultation?
If you would like to book a consultation, please contact us on 0345 1297996. During the consultation we will review your symptoms, recommend appropriate tests and give you detailed dietary and anti-fungal advice.

Do Doctors recognise Candida?
Doctors only recognise Candida as a symptom of major immune system breakdown, such as that found in Aids or severely immunocompromised patients.

Candida Tests

Candida antibody blood test


Candida Antibody Blood Test

The Candida Antibody test is a blood test that covers IgG, IgM.


The Candida Antibody test is £189 pounds and includes a Blood draw at our clinic.


If you would like to do this test, we can book you in with our nurse at the clinic to take you blood.


Please call us on 0345 1297996.

Candida stool test


This Comprehensive stool test covers , bacteria, friendly gut flora and over 75 species of yeast including the following:

Blastoschizomyces capitatus,

Candida albicans,

Candida allociferrii,

Candida boidinii,

Candida cacaoi,

Candida catenulata,

Candida chodatii,

Candida ciferrii,

Candida colliculosa,

Candida cylindracea,

Candida dubliniensis,

Candida ernobii,

Candida famata,

Candida freyschussii,

Candida friedrichii,

Candida glabrata,

Candida guilliermondii,

Candida haemulonii,

Candida holmii,

Candida inconspicua,

Candida intermedia,

Candida kefyr,

Candida krusei,
Candida lactiscondensi,

Candida lambica,

Candida lipolytica,

Candida lusitaniae,

Candida magnoliae,

Candida maltosa,

Candida membranifaciens,

Candida mesenterica,

Candida metapsilosis,

Candida multigemmis,

Candida nemodendra,

Candida nitratophila,

Candida nivariensis,

Candida norvegensis,

Candida norvegica,

Candida orthopsilosis,

Candida palmioleophila,

Candida parapsilosis,

Candida parapsilosis complex,

Candida vini,

Candida zeylanoides,

Candida thermophila,

Cryptococcus albidus,

Cryptococcus flavus,

Cryptococcus gattii,
Cryptococcus humicola,

Cryptococcus laurentii,

Cryptococcus macerans,

Cryptococcus neoformans,

Cryptococcus spp, not neoformans,

Cryptococcus terreus,

Cryptococcus uniguttulatus,

Debaryomyces etchellsii,

Debaryomyces hansenii,

Exophiala dermatitidis,

Geotrichum spp,

Hanseniaspora opuntiae,

Hyphomicrobium spp,

Kazachstania telluris group,

Kloeckera apiculata,

Kloeckera spp,

Kodamaea ohmeri,

Lecythophora hoffmannii,

Lodderomyces elongisporus,

Magnusiomyces capitatus,

Pichia cactophila,

Pichia farinosa,

Pichia holstii,

Pichia kluyveri,

Pichia manshurica,

Pichia methylivora,

Pichia spp,

Prototheca wickerhamii,

Prototheca zopfii,

Pseudozyma aphidis,

Rhodospiridium sp,

Rhodotorula acheniorum,

Rhodotorula bacarum,

Rhodotorula bogoriensis,

Rhodotorula glutinis,
Rhodotorula minuta,

Candida pararugosa,

Candida pelliculosa,

Candida peltata,

  Candida pini,

Candida pulcherrima,

Candida reukaufii,

Candida robusta,

Candida rugosa,

Candida sake,

Candida slooffiae,

Candida solani,

Candida sorbosa,

Candida spandovensis,

Candida sphaerica,

Candida spp,

Candida succiphila,

Candida tropicalis,

Candida utilis,

Candida valida,

Candida versatilis

Rhodotorula mucilaginosa,

Rhodotorula pustula,

Rhodotorula spp,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae/boulardii,

Schizosaccharomyces pombe,

Sporobolomyces roseus,

Sporopachydermia cereana,

Stephanoascus ciferrii,

Trichosporon asahii,

Trichosporon cutaneum,

Trichosporon debeurmannianum,

Trichosporon inkin,

Trichosporon mucoides,

Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans,

Trichosporon ovoides,

Trichosporon spp
Udeniomyces puniceus,

Udeniomyces puniceus,

Zygosaccharomyces bailii.


Candida urine test


Urine testing for Assessing Candida.


This  is a very sensitive urine test that will indicate whether you have a yeast overgrowth such as candida albicans.

Our  Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) test  indicates 21 metabolites produced by yeast and bacteria. Elevated test values are related to yeast or bacterial dysbiosis. The test also looks for beneficial bacteria, harmful bacteria, Clostridia species, Candida species, yeast and fungal metabolites, and general markers of dysbiosis.


The test is conducted using your first urine sample of the day and we will examine it to assess fungal overgrowth. Please   avoid apples, grapes (including raisins), pears, cranberries and their juices 24 hours prior to specimen collection.


The results take 2-3 weeks.


Please see sample report here:


Have any questions? Call us now!

0345 1297996


What are the symptoms of Candida and Yeast infections?

  • Cystitis or thrush
  • Athlete’s foot and  chronic fungal infections
  • Craving sugar or bread
  •  Abdominal bloating, fluctuating constipation or diarrhoea
  •  ‘dopey’ feeling or inability to think clearly?
  • Aches and pains in the joints?

Do Antibiotics cause Candida?

If you have taken repeated courses of antibiotics as a child or as an adult you are likely to have developed some yeast – related problems. The reason for this is that repetitive use of antibiotics can eradicate  all of your healthy gut bacteria. Low levels of healthy gut bacteria in turn may result in high levels of yeast as the latter has a chance to grow. The yeast becomes opportunistic and will be able to grow and in large quantities can be quite toxic.

Does Sugar cause Candida to grow?

 If you consume a diet rich in sugar, bread, cakes, biscuits or alcohol this may also cause yeast to grow. You may have consumed a high sugar diet as a child and continued to do so as an adult.

How can I treat Candida?

You will need to talk to a skilled professional who can best advise you on anti-fungal supplements and diet.  You can call us on 0345 1297996.

You may be advised  to follow a strict diet and eliminate all sugar and yeast. You will also need to take some anti-fungals such as Caprylic acid, or grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil and some probiotics. The timing and dosage of the anti-fungals is key as if you take too  many you may  make yourself feel very poorly. As the yeast dies off there you may experience a die-off reaction that can lead to headaches, fatigue and depression. It is recommended that you see a good nutritionist to help you. If you would like to book a consultation with a candida specialist please see our Candida consultations.