Vitamin and mineral tests

Vitamin and Mineral Tests with a Professional Blood Sample in Central London

Our Clinic in Central London clinic provides comprehensive vitamin and mineral tests with a blood sample taken professionally by a phlebotomist.

The vitamin test s includes vitamins A (retinol), Beta-Carotene, C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) and B6 (Pyridoxine).

The fee is £398. There will be additional fee of £50 for phlebotomy.

Other vitamins can be requested individually as required (e.g. B12, folate, D, B3 & B7)

The tests can be carried in central London.

We also offer Mineral test and these covers;
Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc

What is the benefit of a vitamin and mineral test?

If you are keen to enjoy optimum health and are curious to know if you have any nutrient deficiencies, you may wish to consider a vitamin and mineral test.

For example iron deficiency may lead to fatigue, zinc deficiency may contribute to a low immune system and Vitamin D deficiency may lead to muscle pain and fatigue.

It is possible to test for a single vitamin or mineral, If you are interested then please do enquire. The cost will differ depending on which vitamin or mineral you want to test for as the procedures involved can vary.

How to book a vitamin and mineral test?

If you would like book a Vitamin and Mineral Blood test in London or to make an appointment please call 0345 1297996 or e-mail

What is the benefit of having a Vitamin and Mineral screen?

Our bodies require vitamins and minerals to function adequately. Many of us do not always eat a hugely varied diet and this can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

For example iron deficiency may lead to fatigue and it is therefore important to change one’s diet to correct deficiencies and improve’s one health.

Who may benefit from vitamin and mineral blood testing?

All of us may benefit! In particular these people may benefit.

  • people who are very tired
  • people who have a low immune system
  • people who have inflammatory bowel disease and are at risk of malabsorption
  • some vegetarians or vegans
  • women with excessive bleeding during menstruation
  • pregnant women
  • people with hair loss
How long do the results take to come back?

We will e-mail you your results within 7 days.

What happens when the results are back?

When your results are back we will also highlight foods and supplements you may wish consider eating or taking to help with any deficiencies that are identified.

What happens if I have severe decifiencies?

If you have severe nutrient deficiencies we recommend you see a professional to help you with dietary advice and supplement advice.