IBS Tests
Call us on 0345 129 7996
We offer a comprehensive stool test to check bacteria, yeast (Candida) and Parasites.
This is one of the most innovative tests on the market and will examine 24 different types of bacteria. The test uses a technology called PCR.
How does this work?
The test checks by checking the DNA of the bacteria and is now becoming one of the world leader in ways to test for bacteria.
How does the test work?
Patients need to send in their stool samples to the laboratory. The stool samples are then examined under an extremely powerful microscope to discover if they contain any of the above.
This stool test often reveals the underlying issue for IBS- often patients who have had a colonoscopy or endoscopy or sigmoidoscopy are found to have inconclusive results.
The key benefit of this test is that it analyses stool samples, which the other invasive tests on the NHS do not.
What makes The Comprehensive Digestive stool test so remarkable?
The key to this test is that it is able to examine 24 different areas of digestion and intestinal ecology.
PARASITES: These have been a cause of IBS symptoms in 31% of all patients who have taken the test via us. They are particularly likely to be a cause where diarrhoea or loose stools are the major symptoms and parasites are particularly likely to be present if the patient’s symptoms can be traced back to a stomach bug experienced on foreign travel. Even if this stomach bug was treated with antibiotics at the time, often parasites will not have been completely eradicated and could still be causing symptoms several years later. This is particularly true if the patient was ill on a trip to India, Nepal, Egypt, South America or a similar exotic location. Even if the patient has been tested for parasites on the NHS it is very possible the CDSA, because of its more sophisticated techniques, will find something the NHS test did not. Dientamoeba fragilis and Blastocystis hominis, for example, are parasites that cause IBS symptoms and are not looked for by the NHS test.
BACTERIA: Just as is the case with parasites, bacteria such as Klebsiella or Citrobacter freundii or Pseudomonas Aeruginosa can be the hidden cause of IBS. It is nearly impossible to tell from clinical symptoms if they are a cause so here the CDSA is invaluable. Not only does the test reveal which bacteria are the problem, it provides a list of which drugs and/or natural remedies have been found to be the most effective at eradicating the offending bacteria.
CANDIDA ALBICANS AND OTHER SPECIES OF YEAST OVERGROWTH such as Geotrichum can be a contributory cause of IBS and the test identifies the presence of any of these yeasts (all of which can contribute to gut fermentation) and, again, provides a list of the most effective remedies.
FRIENDLY GUT FLORA, otherwise known as probiotics, are very important to a healthy gut. The test measures on a scale of one to four the presence or absence of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria, two of the most important friendly bacteria which are found in natural, organic yoghurt. These are very beneficial to intestinal health and are why, just in the last few years, commercial yoghurt makers such as Yakult and Benecol have entered the market to try and persuade us all to eat yoghurt with these friendly bacteria added. Unfortunately, all these yoghurt drinks contain added sugar and so are not the best way to re-populate the gut with friendly bacteria.
The GI effects stool test also looks for occult blood in the stool, which can be due to haemorrhoids or an anal fissure, but which can also indicate the possibility of more serious pathology, such as cancer. It measures the presence of meat and vegetable fibres in the stool which are an indicator of how well the patient is digesting protein and carbohydrate and how well they are digesting fat.
My background is that of a nutritionist who specialises in food intolerances. I used to look at IBS mostly in terms of food intolerances and, believe me, they are a very important cause of IBS symptoms. But when the CDSA test became available to a small number of private nutritionists (different from dieticians, who work in hospitals), I was intrigued. Since then we have used it with every IBS patient (and those with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s) who does not respond to the food intolerance approach or wants to take the test immediately. In the case of those with a history of one or more stomach upsets in the course of foreign travel we recommend it at once.
To be honest, it helps almost everyone with IBS because, even if their symptoms have improved considerably from the food intolerance approach, it shows whether something is still basically wrong. We should all have one or two perfectly formed bowel movements every day. You can bet your life that everyone with really good health does. Anyone who differs from that norm can improve their health considerably with the aid of the test.
Susan Smith was a consultant in her early 40’s who has terrible IBS symptoms for at least ten years.
Susan came to the IBS and Gut Disorder Centre because she has been plagued with loose bowels with urgency and it was becoming increasingly difficult to leave the house.
I suggested she do this innovative stool test and indeed we found that she had a parasite called blastocystis hominis as well as Candida albicans. Therefore there were 2 main causes of her IBS that the NHS had failed to pick up. Susan also had a complete absence of helathy gut florsa, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
Please read our main page on IBS
Please contact or call us on 0345 129 7996 and Victoria Tyler for an informal chat about your symptoms to see if she can help you.
We can post you a stool kit anywhere in the UK.