
Is there a link between Candida and Long Covid?
Is there a link between Candida and Long Covid?

1st February 2024 By Victoria Tyler BSc HONS, mBANT   Did you know that approximately 1 in 10 people with COVID-19 continue to experience symptoms beyond 12 weeks? A recent study explores the potential connection between Candida albicans, a fungus commonly...

Candida Symptoms and Baffling Symptoms
Candida Symptoms and Baffling Symptoms

Candida may be caused by over-use of antibiotics and Sugar Know your Candida symptoms. The typical patient who comes to see me for treatment at my Candida clinic most often is a young woman - let's call her Mary- she is in her late 20s or 30s or 40s. Often Mary will...

Diet for Candida

If you have been diagnosed with Candida, it is important to manage your diet carefully as Candida feeds off of sugar and yeast. Therefore if you keep on eating sugar and yeast the candida will grow. This article will give the step by step instructions on dietary...

The top 10 Candida symptoms
The top 10 Candida symptoms

This article describes the top 10 Candida symptoms. So how do you know if you have candida? 1. Do you feel exhausted or suffer from brain fog? 2. Do you  lack concentration? 3. Do find have  uncomfortable digestive symptoms such as loose bowels or diarrhea?...

Candida Symptoms
Candida Symptoms

Morbi pharetra ipsum congue tortor ornare sollicitudin. Fusce rutrum mi nec turpis cursus porta non ac arcu. Aenean at justo sapien. Quisque lacinia arcu eget tellus varius, id luctus ipsum congue.

Candida Help
Candida Help

Nulla ut urna eu lacus bibendum pellentesque. Pellentesque sodales tincidunt lacus, id lacinia elit efficitur eget. Vivamus molestie mauris eu sem elementum, vitae pellentesque purus varius.

Candida Diet
Candida Diet

Mauris in enim in velit feugiat interdum eu vel dui. Ut laoreet id ex vitae tempus. Integer tristique mi ipsum. Cras et lectus non nisl imperdiet consequat non nec mi. Vestibulum dui velit, euismod quis tortor vitae, scelerisque dapibus odio.

Cystitis and Candida
Cystitis and Candida

Ut laoreet id ex vitae tempus. Integer tristique mi ipsum. Vestibulum lorem ipsum dolor dui velit, euismod quis tortor vitae, scelerisque dapibus odio. Mauris in enim in velit feugiat interdum eu vel dui.