Victoria Tyler

The connection between  Psoriasis and Gut Health
The connection between Psoriasis and Gut Health

Is Psoriasis linked to Gut Health?     Post Author: Victoria Tyler   Have you been struggling with Psoriasis, trying countless  restrictive diets creams and steroid treatments, but still dealing with flare-ups? Are you confused about what might be...

The connection between histamine intolerance and SIBO
The connection between histamine intolerance and SIBO

The Surprising Connection between Histamine Intolerance and SIBO   Post Author: Victoria Tyler     Have you ever experienced stubborn digestive symptoms like bloating, headaches, skin reactions, or even unusual sinus issues and wondered what could be...

Foods to Avoid Hydrogen SIBO and Methane SIBO
Foods to Avoid Hydrogen SIBO and Methane SIBO

Hydrogen SIBO and Methane SIBO: What are the Foods to Avoid and the Best Foods to Eat? Post Author: Victoria Tyler   What is the Best Diet for Methane and Hydrogen SIBO? The insiders guide to the best diet for SIBO. Think you have SIBO? Or maybe you've just been...

What causes Recurring Thrush?
What causes Recurring Thrush?

Post Author: Victoria Tyler What causes Recurring Thrush?   Recently, I saw a 32-year-old patient, Anne who came to me for advice on managing recurrent thrush. Over the past six months, she had self-treated with over-the-counter remedies eight times, yet the...

How Long Does an IBS Flare up Last?
How Long Does an IBS Flare up Last?

Post Author: Victoria Tyler How Long Does an IBS Flare up Last? As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I often see patients grappling with the debilitating symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). If you’ve ever experienced an IBS flare-up, you may be frightened...

Parasite Cleansing Uk
Parasite Cleansing Uk

Parasite Cleansing UK   In the UK, there is a common belief that the problem of intestinal parasites only affects people living in  Third World countries and animals. However, this misconception has been debunked by the World Health Organization (WHO), which...

Post-Infectious IBS treatment – What you need to know
Post-Infectious IBS treatment – What you need to know

  28th February 2024   Contents Symptoms and Frequency of Post infectious IBS What is IBS? Why does IBS develop post food poisoning? Does post-infectious IBS ever go away? How long will it take to recover from post-infectious IBS? Sylvie's story of...

Is there a link between Candida and Long Covid?
Is there a link between Candida and Long Covid?

1st February 2024 By Victoria Tyler BSc HONS, mBANT   Did you know that approximately 1 in 10 people with COVID-19 continue to experience symptoms beyond 12 weeks? A recent study explores the potential connection between Candida albicans, a fungus commonly...

The Insiders’ guide to the Metabolic Balance weight loss plan
The Insiders’ guide to the Metabolic Balance weight loss plan

You have probably tried a number of different diets in your life time based on magazines, or books you have read. You may have tried low carb diets or low-calorie diets or intermittent fasting. There are a multitude of diets available and certainly no shortage of...

Candida Symptoms and Baffling Symptoms
Candida Symptoms and Baffling Symptoms

Candida may be caused by over-use of antibiotics and Sugar Know your Candida symptoms. The typical patient who comes to see me for treatment at my Candida clinic most often is a young woman - let's call her Mary- she is in her late 20s or 30s or 40s. Often Mary will...